L’Odyssée de Moti

L’Odyssée de Moti

- belfort

L’Odyssée de Moti


When Moti, the little mammoth, wakes up, all he wants to do is find his mum. But there's a problem: 5,000 years have gone by and the world around him has changed somewhat. To say the least... To succeed in his quest, he will have to make a long journey from the ice floes of the Arctic to the deepest forests of Africa. Is it really possible to find a mother who has been missing for thousands of years? The absence of parents, family reconstitution, friendship and perseverance are the main themes of this puppet musical.

Opening hours

27/04/2025 at 11am and 5pm
29/04/2025 at 2.30pm
30/04/2025 at 2.30pm

The 27/04/2025

  • Dimanche: from 11h00 and from 17h00

From 29/04/2025 to 30/04/2025

  • Mardi: from 14h30
  • Mercredi: from 14h30